Available Dogs

Petfinder.com is our partner in keeping track of the dogs we rescue. Here is a list of the dogs we currently have available.
Please bookmark this page and check back often as we have changes daily!

Mona and DaisyForever Fosters – 15 year old Mona and Daisy
Did you know that in addition to the pups we adopt into their forever homes, we have dogs that go into forever foster homes? Many times these dogs are seniors and/or have ongoing medical needs. Mona and Daisy are 15-year-old sisters whose human passed away. Family was unwilling to care for the girls, so they were surrendered to a local shelter. Thankfully, there are fosters, like Andrea, who was there for them. She and her two senior boys accepted Mona and Daisy into their home as forever fosters. They have a wonderful and loving home to live out their days. Andrea provides the love and an amazing life for them; BRB provides for them financially. Our monthly financial obligation for medications alone for our 14+ forever foster pups exceeds $500. If you would like to be a sponsor for one of our forever foster pups, please send us an email or consider a recurring donation to help us continue to help dogs like Mona and Daisy!